With all the upheaval and roadworks taking place in Belgrave Gate throughout January – we actually missed the moment that sections of rail appeared as the remodelling took place – by the time I arrived the rail had gone or had been covered over once more…. no matter! This find is possibly the biggest and best since we’ve been running Track Watch!
Raj Kataria has proved himself ‘King of the Rails’ with this find.

The previous weekend had brought disruption to the bottom of King Richard’s Road where Narborough Rd North joins. A burst water mains had caused traffic problems and the City’s service teams had to dig to discover and repair the fault. Now something I didn’t know was that for every major ‘burst water main’ issue there is usually a secondary problem that occurs further along the water feed system as a result of pressure building up where normally there wouldn’t be significant pressure. That’s exactly what happened here and the secondary ‘burst’ occured right bang square in the middle of the Fosse Road, Hinckley Road crossroads.

What’s amazing is that the surviving tramway system lies less than four inches below the current road surface. Oh, if only we had one of those push along scanning devices we could survey the whole system.

Our thanks again to Raj, whose now in the top spot for Track Watch! Don’t forget, if you spot anything across our city that remains as evidence of our once proud tramway system don’t forget to let us know at [email protected].